Automated Parking System Market Size Forecast 2024-2034

Automated Parking System Market to Soar USD 13.19 Bn in 2034

The Automated Parking System Market is set to expand, with growth projected from $3.21 bn in 2025 to $7.22 bn in 2030. Europe currently leads the market, but Asia Pacific is expected to exhibit the highest growth rate. The hardware component remains dominant, while tower systems and palleted platforms are leading structures and platforms, respectively. Commercial applications are the primary end-use, and fully automated systems are the largest segment in automation level.

The global automated parking system market size is calculated at USD 2.73 billion in 2024 and is expected to be worth USD 13.19 billion by 2034, expanding at a CAGR of 17.73% from 2024 to 2034.

Automated Parking System Market Revenue 2024 to 2034

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Key Takeaways

  • Europe dominated the automated parking system market.
  • Asia Pacific is expected to grow with the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
  • By component, the hardware segment held the largest share of the market.
  • By structure type, the tower system segment led the market.
  • By platform type, the palleted segment dominated the industry.
  • By end-use, the commercial segment led the market.
  • By automation level, the fully automated segment held the largest share of the automated parking system market.


The automated parking system market is rapidly growing as urbanization, rising vehicle ownership, and the need for efficient parking solutions drive demand for advanced technologies. Automated parking systems (APS) utilize mechanical and robotic systems to park and retrieve vehicles, maximizing parking space and reducing human intervention. These systems are gaining popularity in densely populated urban areas, where limited space and increasing traffic congestion make traditional parking inefficient and time-consuming.

The growing adoption of smart city initiatives, particularly in developed regions, is boosting the market for automated parking systems. Governments and municipalities are investing in modern infrastructure, integrating APS into residential, commercial, and public spaces to optimize land use and improve traffic management. Additionally, the rising awareness of environmental concerns is pushing for greener solutions, with automated parking systems offering benefits such as reduced emissions from idling cars and minimized space requirements, leading to more sustainable urban planning.

Technological advancements, including the integration of sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI), are enhancing the functionality and efficiency of APS. These innovations improve system accuracy, safety, and convenience, making automated parking a preferred solution for smart mobility in modern cities, driving the growth of the global automated parking system market.

What is the Role of AI in Automated Parking System Market?

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in the automated parking system (APS) market by enhancing efficiency, safety, and user experience. AI-powered systems leverage advanced algorithms, machine learning, and real-time data analysis to streamline the parking process, making it more accurate and less time-consuming. One of the key applications of AI in APS is vehicle detection and navigation. AI algorithms enable systems to recognize available parking spaces, guide vehicles autonomously into spots, and optimize space utilization within the parking facility.

AI also improves the operational efficiency of APS by monitoring the movement of vehicles and predicting traffic patterns to ensure smooth functioning, reducing wait times and congestion. For instance, AI can dynamically allocate parking spots based on real-time data, adjusting for peak hours or special events, which enhances the overall performance of the system.

Additionally, AI enhances the safety of automated parking systems by integrating with cameras and sensors to detect obstacles, pedestrians, or other vehicles, minimizing accidents and ensuring smooth vehicle movement. Furthermore, AI can provide predictive maintenance for the parking equipment by analyzing system performance and detecting issues before they become critical, reducing downtime and repair costs.

In September 2023, Park360 launched an AI-based vehicle authorization system. This system helps in enhancing the parking procedures in personal and commercial applications.

Rising Sales of Vehicles Boosts the Market Growth

The rising sales of vehicles globally are a key driver of growth in the automated parking system (APS) market. As urbanization accelerates and income levels increase, particularly in emerging economies, more people are purchasing personal vehicles, leading to higher vehicle ownership rates. This surge in vehicles puts immense pressure on available parking spaces, especially in densely populated urban areas, where land is scarce and expensive. Traditional parking solutions are often inadequate, resulting in congestion, inefficiencies, and a greater demand for space-efficient parking options.

Automated parking systems address these challenges by offering a smart and efficient solution to maximize parking capacity. APS can store vehicles vertically and more densely than conventional parking, utilizing advanced robotics and mechanical systems to optimize space. This is particularly valuable in cities where land costs are high and space is limited, making it a preferred choice for developers and city planners.

The increase in vehicle ownership has also heightened the need for more user-friendly parking solutions that reduce the time spent searching for parking spaces. Automated parking systems not only save time but also improve convenience and safety, driving demand further. As vehicle sales continue to rise, the need for smart, space-saving parking solutions like APS will grow, boosting the market's expansion.

Vehicles Sales in U.S. (July and August 2024)

  • According to the Federal Reserve Bank, the total vehicles sold in July 2024 was 16367 units and the sales of August stands at 15640.

High Installation Cost and Maintenance Issues Restricts the Market Growth

The automated parking system (APS) market faces several restraints, including high initial installation and maintenance costs, which can be a barrier for small and medium-sized developers. Additionally, the complexity of integrating APS into existing infrastructure can pose challenges, especially in older buildings or congested urban areas. Technical issues, such as system malfunctions or software glitches, may also lead to operational downtime, affecting reliability. Furthermore, limited awareness and reluctance to adopt new technology in certain regions can slow the market's overall growth.

Autonomous Vehicles to Change the Upcoming Days

The rising trend of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is creating significant opportunities in the automated parking system (APS) market. As AV technology continues to evolve, the need for parking systems that seamlessly integrate with self-driving vehicles is becoming increasingly important. Autonomous vehicles are designed to operate with minimal human intervention, and automated parking systems complement this by providing a fully automated solution for parking. AVs can be programmed to interact directly with APS, allowing them to park themselves efficiently without the need for a driver. This reduces the need for wide parking spaces and increases the capacity of parking facilities.

Moreover, the combination of AVs and APS enhances the convenience for users, as vehicles can drop passengers off at their destination and park autonomously, eliminating the need for drivers to spend time searching for parking spots. This is particularly advantageous in densely populated urban areas where parking space is limited. The integration of AI and IoT technologies in both AVs and APS will enable smoother vehicle-to-system communication, optimizing space utilization and reducing congestion.

As autonomous vehicles gain widespread adoption, the demand for smart, automated parking solutions will grow, creating new opportunities for APS providers to innovate and expand their offerings in this rapidly evolving market.

  • In June 2024, Rimac launched Verne. Verne is a level 4 autonomous vehicle that comes with advanced features to enhance driving experience.

Component Insights

The hardware segment held the largest share of the market. The hardware segment plays a crucial role in driving the growth of the automated parking system (APS) market by providing the essential infrastructure and components that enable the efficient operation of these systems. Key hardware elements such as sensors, robotic arms, conveyor belts, lifts, and control units are integral to the functionality of APS. These components ensure that vehicles are accurately detected, moved, and parked within the system, minimizing human intervention and maximizing space utilization.

As technological advancements continue, hardware components are becoming more sophisticated, enabling higher levels of precision, speed, and safety. For instance, advanced sensors and cameras are now able to detect vehicles and obstacles with greater accuracy, ensuring smooth vehicle movement and reducing the risk of collisions. Robotic systems and mechanical lifts are also becoming more efficient, allowing for faster parking and retrieval times, which enhances user convenience and overall system performance.

The growing demand for smart cities and space-efficient parking solutions has increased the need for robust hardware in APS, as these systems are expected to handle larger volumes of vehicles with minimal errors. As a result, the continuous innovation in hardware technology is a key driver of growth in the automated parking system market, making it more reliable and appealing to urban planners and developers.

  • In January 2023, ZF launched smart camera 6. This smart camera is designed for several automotive applications including automated parking and autonomous driving capabilities.

Structure Type Insights

The tower system segment led the market. The tower system, a vertical automated parking structure, is significantly driving the growth of the automated parking system (APS) market by addressing the growing demand for space-efficient parking solutions, particularly in urban areas with limited land availability. Tower systems use vertical space to stack vehicles in multiple layers, allowing more cars to be parked in a smaller footprint compared to traditional parking garages. This is especially valuable in densely populated cities where the cost of land is high, and maximizing space is critical.

The tower system operates by using robotic platforms, lifts, and conveyor belts to transport vehicles to their designated parking spots. This automation not only reduces the need for wide parking lanes but also minimizes human intervention, leading to quicker, safer, and more efficient parking. Additionally, the compact design of tower systems makes them ideal for retrofitting in existing structures or integrating into new developments, offering flexible solutions for urban planners.

Moreover, tower systems enhance convenience for users by reducing the time spent searching for parking and minimizing the risk of vehicle damage. As urbanization and vehicle ownership continue to rise, the demand for tower-based automated parking systems grows, making them a key driver in the APS market’s expansion, especially in space-constrained environments.

Platform Type Insights

The palleted segment dominated the industry. The palleted segment plays a significant role in driving the growth of the automated parking system (APS) market by offering enhanced safety, efficiency, and convenience. In palleted automated parking systems, vehicles are parked on a pallet or platform, which is then moved into the parking space by a robotic system. This eliminates the need for the vehicle to be driven within the parking structure, reducing the risk of damage to the vehicle and ensuring greater safety for both the car and surrounding infrastructure.

One of the key advantages of the palleted system is its ability to accommodate various vehicle sizes and types, making it a versatile solution for both residential and commercial parking needs. The system’s design allows for high-density parking, maximizing the use of available space, especially in areas with limited land. Additionally, the palleted system ensures that the vehicle is parked and retrieved automatically, enhancing user convenience by reducing the time spent searching for parking or maneuvering in tight spaces.

As urbanization and vehicle ownership rates continue to rise, the demand for efficient and space-saving parking solutions has increased, positioning the palleted segment as a crucial driver of growth in the APS market. Its ability to optimize space and improve safety makes it a preferred choice for developers and city planners in densely populated areas.

End-use Insights

The commercial segment led the market. The commercial segment plays a pivotal role in driving the growth of the automated parking system (APS) market, as businesses and urban centers increasingly prioritize efficient, space-saving parking solutions. Commercial establishments, such as shopping malls, office buildings, hotels, and airports, experience high volumes of traffic daily, making traditional parking methods inefficient and time-consuming. Automated parking systems offer a solution by optimizing the available space, increasing parking capacity without the need for extensive real estate.

In the commercial sector, APS reduces the hassle of finding parking spots, improving customer experience and enhancing traffic flow. With the integration of smart technologies, these systems provide seamless parking processes, allowing vehicles to be parked and retrieved quickly. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for large-scale facilities, where rapid vehicle turnover is critical to maintaining smooth operations.

Additionally, APS systems in commercial settings reduce operational costs associated with human labor and lighting, as they require minimal intervention and can operate in enclosed spaces. As urbanization and commercial activity continue to expand, the demand for automated parking systems grows, with businesses increasingly recognizing the benefits of improved space utilization, enhanced customer satisfaction, and reduced environmental impact. This makes the commercial segment a key driver of APS market growth.

  • In April 2024, Pari Infra Pvt. Ltd launched a commercial automated parking system. This system is set up in Hyderabad, India with a hefty amount of INR 80 crores.

Automation Level Insights

The fully automated segment held the largest share of the automated parking system market. The fully automated segment is a major driver of growth in the automated parking system (APS) market due to its ability to offer a seamless, efficient, and highly convenient parking experience. Fully automated parking systems eliminate the need for human intervention entirely, using advanced robotics, sensors, and software to manage the parking process from start to finish. Vehicles are autonomously transported to and from parking spaces, optimizing space utilization and reducing the time spent parking or retrieving a car.

This level of automation significantly enhances user convenience by removing the complexities and delays associated with manual parking. It also improves safety, as the system reduces the risk of accidents or damage that might occur with traditional parking methods. The fully automated systems are especially advantageous in high-density urban areas where space is limited and the demand for efficient parking solutions is high.

Moreover, fully automated systems contribute to operational efficiency by minimizing the need for human labor and reducing energy consumption. These systems are designed to maximize space utilization, allowing for more vehicles to be parked in the same area compared to conventional methods. As the demand for smart, space-efficient parking solutions continues to rise, the fully automated segment is poised to drive significant growth in the APS market, appealing to developers, businesses, and municipalities seeking cutting-edge parking technologies.

  • In December 2022, Mercedes Benz launched a fully automated parking system in Stuttgart, Germany. This system is named as the ‘automated valet parking’ and be used using smartphone application.

Regional Insights

Europe dominated the automated parking system market. Urbanization, technological advancements, and increasing vehicle ownership are pivotal factors driving the growth of the automated parking system (APS) market in Europe. As European cities become more densely populated, the demand for space-efficient solutions has intensified. Automated parking systems offer a compelling solution by optimizing the use of available space through vertical and compact designs, which is essential in high-density urban environments where land is limited and expensive.

Technological advancements play a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities and appeal of APS. Innovations in artificial intelligence, robotics, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies enable more efficient and reliable automated parking solutions. These advancements improve system performance, safety, and user convenience, making APS increasingly attractive for new construction and retrofitting projects.

Additionally, the rise in vehicle ownership and usage across Europe is putting pressure on existing parking infrastructure. Automated parking systems address this challenge by providing a modern, efficient way to manage and utilize parking space, reducing congestion and the time spent searching for parking spots. As more vehicles hit the roads, the need for advanced parking solutions becomes more critical, driving the adoption of APS and contributing to market growth in the region.

  • According to the, the urban population of Sweden in 2023 was 9153118 that increased to 9231909 in 2024.

Asia Pacific is expected to grow with the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Smart city initiatives, infrastructure developments, and the scarcity of land for parking are key drivers fueling the growth of the automated parking system (APS) market in Asia Pacific. As urbanization accelerates across the region, cities are increasingly adopting smart city projects aimed at improving efficiency and sustainability. Automated parking systems align perfectly with these initiatives by offering space-efficient solutions that enhance urban mobility and reduce congestion.

Infrastructure development is another significant factor, as new commercial, residential, and public projects create opportunities for integrating APS into modern buildings. These systems are particularly beneficial in newly developed areas where space is at a premium, helping to meet the demand for efficient parking solutions.

Moreover, the scarcity of land for parking in densely populated cities exacerbates the need for innovative solutions. Automated parking systems optimize vertical and compact space usage, allowing more vehicles to be accommodated in limited areas. This is crucial in regions where land is both expensive and scarce, making APS a viable solution for maximizing parking capacity and efficiency. Together, these factors drive the adoption and expansion of automated parking systems in the Asia Pacific market, addressing the challenges of urbanization and land scarcity.

Urban Population in Sweden (2023-24)

  • According to the India Investment Grid, the government of India invested around US$ 20.75 billion. This investment is done for developing 1040 smart city projects across the country.

Recent Developments

  • In March 2024, Tesla launched an auto parking system. This system uses ultrasonic sensors for automatically parking in congested areas.
  • In December 2023, ARAPL launched a robotic parking system. This system is designed for parking cars by using automated guided vehicles (AGVs).
  • In September 2023, Hyundai launched one-touch automated parking system. This system is equipped with Memory Parking Assist (MPA) technology to automatically park in any area using video sensors.

Automated Parking System Market Key Players

  • Skyline Parking AG
  • Westfalia Parking
  • Parkmatic
  • AutoMotion Parking Systems
  • Unitronics
  • Klaus Multiparking GmbH
  • Robotic Parking Systems, Inc.
  • City Lift Parking, LLC
  • Park Plus Inc.
  • Wohr Parking System Pvt. Ltd.

Key Segments

By Component

  • Hardware
  • Software

By Structure

  • AGV System
  • Silo System
  • Tower System
  • Rail Guided Cart (RGC) System
  • Puzzle System
  • Shuttle System

By Platform

  • Palleted
  • Non-palleted

By Automation Level

  • Fully Automated
  • Semi-automated

By End Use Outlook

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Mixed-use

By Region

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • The Middle East and Africa
  • Insight Code: 1451
  • No. of Pages: 150+
  • Format: PDF/PPT/Excel
  • Published: September 2024
  • Report Covered: [Revenue + Volume]
  • Historical Year: 2021-2022
  • Base Year: 2023
  • Estimated Years: 2024-2033

About The Author

Dr. Arjun Patel is a distinguished expert in the automotive industry, holding advanced degrees in Automotive Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. His expertise spans automotive market dynamics, technological advancements, and sustainable practices. Dr. Patel excels in conducting in depth research and analysis on market trends, consumer preferences, and the economic implications within the automotive sector. He is renowned for his insightful publications on topics such as electric vehicles, autonomous driving technologies, and the evolution of sustainable transportation solutions. Dr. Patels research contributions have significantly advanced understanding in the field, earning him recognition as a leading authority in automotive research and analysis.


The increasing sales of car along with rising urbanization drives the market growth.

Hardware and Software.

The top players in the industry includes Skyline Parking AG, Westfalia Parking, Parkmatic and some others.

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